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Sketchnote Illustration

I had the utmost pleasure of creation sketchnote illustrations for an educational leadership book, Thrive Through the Five: Practical Truths to Powerfully Lead through Challenging Times by Dr. Jill Siler. 

Each chapter ends with a full page sketchnote of the chapter takeaways.  

You can find Dr. Siler's book on Amazon

See more of my sketchnotes for Thrive Through the Five and read more about them from Jill on her blog post.

Thrive Through The Five Composite Final Image
Thrive Through the Five - Inspire Hope Image
Thrive Through the Five - Tough People Win Image
Thrive Through the Five - Failure Image
Thrive Through the Five - Fear Image
Thrive Through the Five - Pressure Image

I became fascinated with the concept of sketchnoting after seeing it in action at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference. I attended a few sessions, followed some leaders in sketchnoting on Twitter, and immediately fell in love with this note taking method.  Where was this method when I was in school? As a grade school student, it was frown on to "doodle" on your papers! Now, backed in pedagogy and learning theories, skechnoting is becoming a more practiced form of strategic note taking! 

You can follow me on twitter @edtech_amelia (formerly @Makerbreakit) 

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Empathy Sketchnote Image
Thrive Through the Five Twitter Image Gi
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“Creativity is intelligence having fun” -Albert Einstein
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