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User Experience: Website

This project was created for LTLE 611: User Interface Design.  In this project, I created a prototype website from scratch while learning HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.  I created this website as a tool for a blended learning classroom.  Learners select from the main menu both a subject and a medium.  Using JavaScript, I designed the page to allow users to have to select both a subject and medium to take them to the next level menu. 

During the design of this project, I focused on Gestalt's Theory and Mayer's Multimedia Theory to make thoughtful decisions that would increase the effectiveness of my users experience.  Throughout the design process, I completed a variety of usability tests with various learners to gather information to use towards the design of the website. 

This project was challenging and extremely satisfying.  I pushed myself to learn more about writing code and the finished project is one that I am quite proud of!

Graduate Program Objective:

5. Use quantitative and qualitative methods of inquiry to make data-driven decisions that inform practice in the discipline.

7. Engage in and reflect upon one's own professional development, dispositions and growth in the discipline.

9. Engage in ethical reasoning and decision-making by applying frameworks, policies and standards of ethical practice such as the AECT and ISTE-C professional standards and the JMU Ethical Reasoning Action eight key questions framework for ethical decision-making. 

AECT Standard 1 (Content Knowledge): Candidates demonstrate the knowledge necessary to create, use, assess, and manage theoretical and practical applications of educational technologies and processes.

AECT Standard 3 (Learning Environments): Candidates facilitate learning by creating, using, evaluating, and managing effective learning environments.

Google Drive - Downloadable zip file

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“Creativity is intelligence having fun” -Albert Einstein
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