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Interactive Learning Object

This interactive learning object was created using Microsoft PowerPoint and was developed as a remediation tool for the learning objective of latitude and longitude.  It provides a reteaching section as well as a game/assessment to test for understanding.  This project shows the use of an action-based learning objective, contains non-linear movement, and can be used as a stand alone unit.  The ILO was created for a primary school-aged student and was designed in a bright, engaging style.  

Graduate Program Objective:

2. Create conditions for learning by applying theories (eg. learning theories, curriculum theory and communications theories) to authentic scenarios involving diverse populations.

AECT Standard 1 (Content Knowledge): Candidates demonstrate the knowledge necessary to create, use, assess, and manage theoretical and practical applications of educational technologies and processes. 

Downloadable pptx


“Creativity is intelligence having fun” -Albert Einstein
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