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Literature Review

My literature review on video in education was inspired by my interest in flipped classrooms/lecture as I have taken to creating video/recorded lectures for my middle school social studies classes.  I chose to complete the literature review assignment as a paper over the product format.  I found the paper format to be more of a challenge to me, as technology integrated creative projects are more of my wheelhouse.  I understand the necessity to be able to write a formal paper and found that the challenge would be more valuable in the long run.  To complete this literature review, I consulted a variety of sources (peer reviewed research, journal articles, etc.) to provide a variety of sources and perspectives.  


This artifact meets the following ISTE-C professional standards:

3. Digital age learning environments: My literature review focuses on using video to support both student engagement and content recall by focusing on research of classes that created a variety of brick & mortar blended or online classroom models to create and support a digital learning environment that would maximize the diverse learning needs of students.

6. Content knowledge and professional growth: This literature review allowed me to focus on a type of learning in the educational technology community that has evolved over a span of many years and how video fits in with content and pedagogy of education.  

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“Creativity is intelligence having fun” -Albert Einstein
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